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Staining Kit: ZIEHL-NEELSEN with Hematoxyline Counterstain

The Ziehl-Neelsen staining kit with hemalaun counterstain is a special combination of staining methods used to identify acid-fast bacteria, especially mycobacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in histological and cytological specimens. Ziehl-Neelsen staining is based on the use of carbolfuchsin as the primary stain and an acidic destaining solution that enables selective staining of acid-fast bacteria.

The kit contains the following components:

1. Carbolfuchsin solution: the primary stain of Ziehl-Neelsen staining that intensely stains acid-fast bacteria red.

2. Acid decolorizing solution: a solution of acid and alcohol used to decolorize non-acid-fast cells and structures.
3. Hemalaun solution: a nuclear counterstain that renders cell nuclei a blue hue to provide better contrast in the analysis of tissue samples.

The staining process begins with the application of the carbolfuchsin solution to the tissue sample, followed by heating to increase the depth of penetration of the dye. After a brief cooling period, the sample is treated with the acidic decolorizing solution to decolorize non-acid-fast cells and structures. Finally, the hemalaun solution is applied to stain cell nuclei blue and facilitate analysis of the sample structure.

Ziel-Neelsen staining with hemalaun counterstaining allows selective visualization of acid-fast bacteria, such as mycobacteria, in red color, while other cell structures and nuclei appear blue. This method is of great importance in the diagnosis of tuberculosis and other infections with acid-fast bacteria.

Article no.: 12237

Tuberculosis detection

  •   Container size and order number Net price Amount
    Staining Kit: ZIEHL-NEELSEN with Hematoxyline Counterstain - 100 ml
    Order number: 12237.00100
    31,90 €
    Staining Kit: ZIEHL-NEELSEN with Hematoxyline Counterstain - 250 ml
    Order number: 12237.00250
    44,20 €
    Staining Kit: ZIEHL-NEELSEN with Hematoxyline Counterstain - 500 ml
    Order number: 12237.00500
    82,60 €
    Staining Kit: ZIEHL-NEELSEN with Hematoxyline Counterstain - 1.000 ml
    Order number: 12237.01000
    163,60 €

Important Information

UN-Nummer: siehe Einzelprodukte

Warning labels:

Lagerung: siehe Einzelprodukte

product information

Components of this kit:
• Carbol-Fuchsin after ZIEHL-NEELSEN (hot Staining), Artikel-Nr.:12246
• Hematoxylin acid according to MAYER, Artikel-Nr.:10231
• Hydrochloric Acid in Ethanol (3 % / 90 %), Artikel-Nr.:12255

colouring protocol

Technical informations


Hazard and safety instructions

Signal Word 2: flamme, silhouete, acid_red, exclam
Warning labels: