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TECHNOVIT® 9100 microscope slide coating

TECHNOVIT® 9100 slide coating is an innovative solution for the pretreatment of microscope slides. Combining glue, poly-L-lysine and water, it provides a reliable basis for the adhesion of tissue sections in Technovit 9100 preparations. Glue, a complex mixture of proteins and polysaccharides, serves as the adhesive medium. Poly-L-lysine, a linear homopolymer of the amino acid L-lysine with the general formula (C6H13N2O2)n, increases surface adhesiveness to cells and tissues by providing positively charged groups that bind to negatively charged cell membranes. The water base ensures easy application and cleaning. Once applied to the slide, the Technovit 9100 preparation is held securely on the surface, allowing precise and detailed microscopic examination.

Article no.: 16720

Slide coating

  •   Container size and order number Net price Amount
    TECHNOVIT® 9100 microscope slide coating - 100 ml
    Order number: 16720.00100
    59,80 €
    TECHNOVIT® 9100 microscope slide coating - 250 ml
    Order number: 16720.00250
    82,30 €
    TECHNOVIT® 9100 microscope slide coating - 500 ml
    Order number: 16720.00500
    151,00 €
    TECHNOVIT® 9100 microscope slide coating - 1.000 ml
    Order number: 16720.01000
    286,90 €
    TECHNOVIT® 9100 microscope slide coating - 2.500 ml
    Order number: 16720.02500
    647,20 €

Important Information

UN-Nummer: 0000

Lagerung: 15 … 25 °C

Haltbarkeit: 6 Monate

safety data sheet

product information

Relevant Incredients:

Technical informations


Hazard and safety instructions