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Indigocarmin Solution

The indigocarmine solution is used for a special histological staining that allows the indigocarmine dye to bind to specific tissue types. The chemical structure of indigocarmine allows it to form specific bonds with glandular tissues.

The chemical basis of the indigocarmine solution is indigocarmine, an organic dye. This is dissolved in a mixture of aqua bidest and 1% acetic acid. Acetic acid provides an acidic environment that is critical for the dye to function optimally.

The binding of indigocarmine to tissue occurs through hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. The molecules of the dye interact with the proteins of the glandular tissues to produce intense blue coloration.

This color change allows glandular tissue to be differentiated from other tissue types. The blue coloration results from light absorbed by the indigocarmine protein compound and reflected at a different wavelength, which is perceived as blue.

Article no.: 14514

Staining of tissue samples

  •   Container size and order number Net price Amount
    Indigocarmin Solution - 100 ml
    Order number: 14514.00100
    24,90 €
    Indigocarmin Solution - 250 ml
    Order number: 14514.00250
    30,70 €
    Indigocarmin Solution - 500 ml
    Order number: 14514.00500
    41,00 €
    Indigocarmin Solution - 1.000 ml
    Order number: 14514.01000
    59,80 €
    Indigocarmin Solution - 2.500 ml
    Order number: 14514.02500
    114,60 €

Important Information

UN-Nummer: 0000

Lagerung: 15 … 25 °C

Haltbarkeit: 60 Tage

safety data sheet

product information

Relevant Incredients:
• Acetic acid 1 %
• Indigo carmine (C.I.: 73015)

Technical informations


Hazard and safety instructions

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